Exciter Box
Collection of 5- 5mm of varied colored LEDs
Batteries included.
Plancks LED Exciter Kit $49.99 USD
plus Shipping and Handling
Reasons to perform the lab.
1. Students enjoy LED lights. The varied colors intrigue student curiosity and want to know the cause of the different colors.
2. Introduce students to the use of voltmeters and measurement of voltage drop.
3. Students apply the elementary charge constant to calculate energy of photons.
4. Students work with scientific notations to manipulate energy calculations to determine frequency and wavelength of photons.
5. Students develop there own spectrum using varied LED’s.
6. Students apply Potential energy change of electrons to photon emission as an introduction to Bohr’s model of atom.
7. Students demonstrate understanding to use mathematical representations to support a claim regarding relationships among the frequency, wavelength, and speed of waves traveling in various media. This lab addresses NGSS standards generating phenomena.