
Designed for convenience, speed , and “Green Chemistry” with minimal concession.

These kits are designed to emphasize “Green Chemistry” by minimizing quantities and using recycled materials.

The kits are designed for teachers to purchase one time and reuse the materials every year.

These kits are specifically designed and  exclusive to mini-concepts.  

All kits  are sold exclusively from mini-concepts direct.

Examples of change is not using typical Burets, Pipets, Buret Stands, and Pipet Pumps as tools for measuring volume .Minimize flames with 30 students in a class by using alternative heating sources. Minimize Waste and stick to “Green Chemistry” methodology by reducing quantities to perform and get the same results. By adjusting the methodology more lab time can be used to develop the more time consuming Guided Inquiry Based Labs.

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Recommended AP Labs and Associated Topics from College Board

Recommended Experiment

Aligned 2019-2020 Topic

Use the absorption of light to determine the identity and/or concentration of an analyte in solution.

Beers Law analysis of cobalt chloride solution 

Beers law analysis of Blue Dye mixture

Spectroscopy determination of the percent of salicylic acid in Aspirin Guided  Inquiry 


Use differences in intermolecular forces to separate a mixture into its components or to determine the identity of components of a mixture.

Separation of components of a homogeneous mixture using simple distillation and column chromatography. 


Determine the formula of a compound by measuring the stoichiometry of the reaction of that compound with known reagents.


Use gravimetric analysis to determine the amount of an analyte in a mixture.

Aspirin Synthesis and Analysis 


Use titration to determine the concentration of an analyte in a solution.


Determine the rate law of a chemical reaction.


Use calorimetry to determine the change in enthalpy of a process.


Build electrochemical cells to determine the
characteristics of an electrochemical reaction.


Explore the impact of disturbances on an equilibrium system.

Lechatelier’s Principle using Cobalt complexes and Carbon Dioxide Chemical Equilibrium Lab


Use titration to characterize an acid or base solution.


Prepare a buffer solution.

The determination of the Ionization Constant of  an Indicator  using Spectroscopy 


   Our Lab List and Procedures


Determination of Bunsen burner flame temperature using Thermocouple wire and voltage conversion Chart.

Unit Conversions
High Temperature Recording Methods
Types of Burners
Seebeck Effect and Thermocouple Wire
Voltage Concept
Use of Voltmeters 

Thermocouple Temperature Recording Kit- STEM1

40 Min


Separation of components of a homogeneous mixture using simple distillation and column chromatography. 

Another Column Chromatography Experiment

Use of Volumetric Glassware
Use of Ground Glassware
Methods of Separation Science

Simple Distillation Kit

Column Chromatography Suction Apparatus

40 Min


The Scientific Method Guided  Inquiry Based 
Student determines Identity of Unknown Liquid Based on physical characteristics and its ability to liquefy air.
Determine alternate method of recording temperature

Science Practice 6

40 Min


Excitor LED Box -Relationship between Energy and WavelengthLed 

Plancks Constant Demo Kit-LED Exciter Box – Item # 400

40 Min


Graphical Determination of Planck’s Constant 


Planck’s Constant Probe Kit  for Vernier Lab Quest Item# 650

40 Min


Spectroscopy of Gases Using Discharge Tube 

Determine the emission Spectrum of Various known gases from given gas discharge tubes.
Determine what elements present in a fluorescent light bulb
Determine energy of emissions   

40 Min


Flame Test of the Elements and Elemental Ions
Determination  of Dried Banana and Apricots Emission Spectroscopy and Electron transition
Predict the color of the flame produced when each of your test solutions is heated in a Bunsen burner 

40 Min


Para magnetism using electron configuration and magnetic attractions

Paramagnetism Demo

Lab Video

Aufbau Process
Hunds Rule
Pauli Exclusion Principle 

Electron Configuration Lab

40 Min


Using Microsoft Excel for Analysis of Periodic Tendencies and  Meet the Elements Lab 

Exceptions to Periodicity
Lanthanide contraction
Spreadsheet Analysis Techniques
Periodic relationships including, for example, atomic radii, ionization energies, electron affinities, oxidation states, Relationships in the periodic table: horizontal, vertical, and diagonal with examples from alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, and the first series of transition elements
Students are given the opportunity to take observations on many different elements on the periodic table and based on their physical characteristics determine periodic tendencies.

40 Min


Chemical Reactions using Crystal Growth.( Guided Inquiry)

Single replacement Reactions
in a gel matrix
Predict what possible reactions can occur based on periodicity and confirm based on observations .
Metallic Crystals

 Being Developed   

40 Min


Molecular Modeling Using modeling foam balls, sticks and MolView

Predict the shapes of molecules by building a model of the molecule with a molecular modeling kit and applying the Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory 
Lewis Structures
Molecular geometry
Valence band:
hybridization of orbitals, resonance, sigma and pi bonds

Being Developed

40 Min


Inter-molecular attractions Lab

Adhesion vs. Cohesion

Determine relationship of capillary action to polarity
Molecular Structure effects on polarity
Structure effects of hydrogen bonding
Angle of curvature relationship to IMF
Drop size and IMF
Rate of Evaporation 


IMF Kit # 99

40 Min


Molecular Interactions Guided Inquiry 

Random miscibility determines solubility of given solutes and solvents
Observations determine relationship of structure to solubility
IMF effects on solubility and extraction 

Being Developed

40 Min



Surfactants Tri-esters 
Surface Tension Measurement 
VWR® Analog Dry Block Heaters 

Being Developed

40 Min



Banana Oil and Oil of Wintergreen 
Being Developed

40 Min


Polymerization,  Polymer identification and Elastomers 

Synthesis of Polyurethane 
Identifying polymers based on chemical properties 
Being Developed

40 Min


Aspirin Synthesis and Analysis 

Esterification Synthesis
Thin Layer Chromatography
Quantitative analysis
Theoretical Yield Calculations
Percent Yield Calculations
IR Spectroscopy

Being Developed

40 Min


Experimental Determination of Empirical formula of Manganese Chloride

Answer Key Sample

40 Min


Percent of Water and Formula of a Hydrate 

40 Min


Determination of the Molecular Formula of a FREON  Gas 


40 Min


Experimental Determination of the Molar Mass of Aluminum 


Determination of Molar Mass of Aluminum  Kit # 800

40 Min


Heat (Enthalpy) of a Reaction: Mg-HCl-Water System 


40 Min


Heat of Dissolution or Guided Inquiry -Design Hand warmer 

Heat of Solution Option

40 Min


Heat of Neutralization 

Macro Version

40 Min


Stoichiometry Rockets 

Calculate the needed volume of oxygen to react with given volume of gases, determine the heat of the reaction, to determine the amount of work and heat produced from the reaction. Relate energy changes associated with a chemical reaction to the enthalpy of the reaction, and relate energy changes to PΔV work. 


40 Min


Determining the Molecular Mass of Butane 


Determine Molar Mass Of Butane Kit item # 700

40 Min


Avogadro’s Law 

40 Min


Determination of  identity  of unlabeled bottles from stock room  Guided Inquiry 

Covalent Bonding
Ionic Bonding
Metallic Bonding
Structural Units
Forces Within Units
Forces Between Particle Units
Types of Solids 
Big Idea 2

40 Min


Preparation of Standardized Salicylic Acid 

Mass %
Mole fraction
Big Idea 6

40 Min


Predicting Double Replacement Reactions in Solutions based on Solubility Rules

40 Min


Beers Law analysis of cobalt chloride solution 


Use the absorption of light to determine the identity and/or concentration of an analyte in solution.

Beers Law analysis of cobalt chloride solution 

Beers law analysis of Blue Dye mixture


Beer’s Law Kit

40 Min


Spectroscopy determination of the percent of salicylic acid in Aspirin Guided  Inquiry 

Students determine method of determine Salicylate
lambda max

Method of preparation of stock solutions

Determine percent salicylic acid in expired Aspirin tablet.

Being Developed

40 Min


Using Freezing-Point Depression to Find Molecular Weight-SIM

40 Min


The Kinetics of a Bleach Reaction Graphical Kinetics Analysis

Students develop procedure to determine graphical analysis of  food coloring decomposition using Bleach
Determine pseudo rate law
Determine half- life of reaction graphically

Pseudo Rate Food Coloring Rate Law using Graphical Analysis

40 Min


Guided Inquiry Kinetics of decomposition of Hydrogen Carbonate 

Nature of reactants
Surface area effects
Concentration Effects
Temperature Effects    

Kinetics Guided Inquiry

40 Min


Kinetics of the Acid Decomposition of Thiosulfate 

Graphical determination of order
Determination of rate law
Use of differential rate laws to determine order of reaction
rate constant from experimental data  

Initial Rate Method Lab- Kinetics of the Acid Decomposition of Thiosulfate 

40 Min


Determination of Solubility Constant of Calcium Hydroxide using Micro-titration techniques


Determination of Equilibrium Constant of Saturated Calcium Hydroxide Solution

40 Min


Lechatelier’s Principle using Cobalt complexes and Carbon Dioxide Chemical Equilibrium Lab 

Common Ion Effect
Simultaneous Equilibrium

Aqueous Carbon Dioxide Equilibrium Kit # 606

40 Min


Determination Of Equilibrium Constant for a system at Equilibrium

Column Ion Exchange
Combination Indicators
pH measurement
Vernier Technology

 Determination of Equilibrium Constant Lab using Column Exchange

40 Min


Preparation of Sodium Hydroxide Solution and Standardization using a primary standard 

Equivalence Point and Midpoint
Micro-titration using Syringes
Titration Curves  


40 Min


Guided Inquiry Determination of Molecular Weight and Ka of an Unknown Organic Acid 

pH Probes
Titration Curves using 
Data Acquisition ( Logger Pro)
Determination of Equivalence Point 
Using 2nd Derivatives
Determination of Midpoint to determine pKa
Vernier Technology


40 Min


Hydrolysis and Indicators

Types of Salts
Neutralization and Hydrolysis  

40 Min


The determination of the Ionization Constant of  an Indicator  using Spectroscopy 

Prepare Buffer Solutions
Calculations using Hasselbach Equation
Beers Law
Vernier Technology  

Being Developed

40 Min


Redox Standardization of HCl using Potassium Iodate –


40 Min


Guided Inquiry Analysis of Household Peroxide


40 Min


Voltaic cell and Nerst Equation Lab. 


Variations of concentration effects
Prepare a list containing all seven metal/metal ion half-reactions as reduction reactions, including the Ag/AgCl half-reaction at 0.00 volts.  
List the half-reactions from the most positive reduction potential to the most negative reduction potential and compare with the order given on Chart in your Reference Tables for Chemistry

Sketch of an electrochemical cell for all the cells created Include each half-cell, the salt bridge, the electrodes and solutions, the voltmeter leads, the voltmeter and a switch in your drawing  

40 Min


Electrolysis of Aqueous Solutions Lab 

A list of all the particles (ions and molecules) present in the U-tube before electrolysis
The oxidation half-reaction
The reduction half-reaction.
The net ionic equation for the chemical reaction.
 Ions present in the solution are oxidized and which are reduced
Determine which electrode is the anode and which electrode in the cathode.
Determine E 0
Determine  ▲G


40 Min


Copper Plating Lab

Determine the number of faradays, coulombs, and current used to coat a leaf with copper

40 Min


Electrolysis of Sodium Sulfate using Micro Hoffman apparatus 

Given experimental research using syringes to collect gases over water, Atmospheric pressure and room temperature,collect an unknown volume of gas generated using an electrolytic cell,determine the systems net ionic equation, moles of gas , moles of electrons used to generate gas , Determine amperes used in the experiment  




Video Support and Demonstrations

Generating Calculated columns
Linear Fit Analysis

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